License | Multi-Site Use | Perform Live | Stream | Archive | Remix | Distribute | Sell | Create NFTs |
STANDARD LICENSE | YES If the same organization | YES | YES If part of a performance | YES If part of a performance | NO | NO | NO | NO |
EXTENDED LICENSE | YES If the same organization | YES | YES If unaltered & part of a performance OR If remixed | YES If unaltered & part of a performance OR If remixed | YES If a church of any size or a non-church organization of 250 employees or less | YES If remixed | NO | NO |
STOCK LICENSE | YES If the same organization | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES As a derivative work | YES As a derivative work | NO |
The Standard License applies to all Content labeled with a Standard License. A Product’s license information is commonly found on that Product’s page within the Website. However, if the licensing is unclear, assume a Product is licensed as a Standard License.
The Standard License grants You, the User, a perpetual, non-exclusive, license to make use of the products on the following terms for the duration of the License Term.
Standard Licenses are for use in live events (such as at a church service, conference, Bible study or live audience presentation), on local access television, but not for network broadcasts. Standard Licensed Content may only be used on Social media or on the web if it is embedded in a full length sermon or church service. The Standard License prohibits any alteration, modification, or making derivatives of the Content.
For licenses for broadcast television, please contact Story Loop sales at [email protected] for an individually negotiated license. Our content creators are small artists and our content is priced accordingly. For larger scale use, it is only fair to negotiate better terms for our artists that is commensurate with the use.
This license can be terminated unilaterally at the discretion of Story Loop if you breach these terms and don’t remedy the breach within a reasonable period at the sole discretion of Story Loop. If termination happens, you must stop using the Content, including any End Products which you have incorporated the Content into, until you remove the Content from them.
Use Content as-is.
Download Content to your local computer, server network or the cloud.
Use Content at any location of your Organization under a single legal entity. Please contact us if you need a license for use by affiliated Organizations which are organized as separate legal entities.
Use Content during any kind of live, physical setting: church service, conferences, Bible studies, presentations, etc.
Use Content on Web/Social if it is a part a full length sermon or church service that is live-streamed, live broadcast on Facebook or YouTube, or as part of a webcast.
Archive Content on Web/Social: as part of a full length sermon or church service only, posted online or archived in any way.
Don’t remix, alter, or create derivatives of Content.
Don’t redistribute any Content.
Don’t resell any Content.
Don’t broadcast any Content via network television. However, local access broadcasts are acceptable if the Content is embedded in a full length sermon or church service.
Don’t upload Content to the Web or Social sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.) in any way without it being part of a full length sermon or church service.
Don’t create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).
Read the full terms and conditions.
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